
CompuVision VP of Finance Recognized as a Top CPA in 2020 Achievement Awards

Written by Barry Cavener | Apr 9, 2020

For Immediate Release:

Jack Tsoi, Vice President of Finance for Core Technology Services Firm CompuVision (acquired by VC3 in 2022), has been recognized with the Early Achievement Award. The Award aims to recognize CPAs who have been in practice for under 10 years and who have brought honor to the profession by demonstrating exceptional service, contributions to their community, and outstanding achievements in their careers. 

About the Early
Achievement Award 

CPA Alberta seeks to recognize individuals in the accounting field who demonstrate integrity, commitment, and expertise. Categories include Lifetime Achievement, CPA Education Foundation Impact Award, Fellows of the Chartered Professional Accountants, and Early Achievement. 

Recipients are chosen by CPA Alberta for their contributions to their communities through volunteerism and who have demonstrated excellence in accounting within the first 10 years of their careers. 

Jack Tsoi’s
Commitment to his Team and Community 

Jack Tsoi attended the University of Calgary, where he was a member of Alpha Kappa Psi, the oldest and largest Professional Co-ed Business Fraternity known for shaping members into business leaders. He served as the founding member of the Omega Chi Chapter and as VP of Finance. 

Tsoi’s commitment to
volunteer work is among the reasons he was chosen for the Early Achievement
Award. He has bettered his community by being a part of Big Brothers Big
Sisters of Edmonton and as a member of the Board of Directors for the Edmonton
Food Bank. 

Most recently, he participated in the CPA Business Challenge, which contributes to the CPA Education Foundation, a non-profit organization that seeks to promote and fortify the accounting profession in Alberta. 

Since 2017 he has served as the VP of Finance for CompuVision, a VC3 Company, where he has created successful financial plans for the growing IT business.  “I truly enjoy my job helping a great company do great things for its employees and our community through smart financial planning. Being recognized for achievement in something I already love makes me even more thankful for the job I get to do and the innovative and caring people I get to work with,” said Tsoi. 

For more information on the 2020 Achievement Awards, visit

About CompuVision, a VC3 Company
With over 28 years in the IT industry, CompuVision, a VC3 Company, has developed sophisticated systems to provide world-class managed IT services throughout Canada and the US, including 24/7 tech support, system management, predictive tools to reduce IT chaos and digital transformation with the help of emerging technologies.