
Benefits Of Contracting IT Services & Support For DD Organizations

Written by VC3 | Feb 22, 2024

If you are using a general IT consultant or a break-it fix-it IT company on a pay-as-you-go basis or even on a retainer, you’re not only wasting money, but exposing your organization or business to downtime and cybersecurity issues due to this reactive approach. Industry experts say the best approach is to instead contract what is called a Managed Services Provider (MSP) who provides Managed IT or Co-Managed IT services to apply a comprehensive proactive solution to address your specific needs and eliminate the worry of IT-related issues. There are many advantages to doing this; from cost savings to increased reliability and security. Furthermore, you should engage an MSP that has extensive experience or better yet, is focused on your specific type of organization or business.

You’ll Get More Than You Will From Break-It Fix-It Services

A typical IT consultant or break-it fix-it company only show up when something goes wrong. A technician comes and charges you by the hour to make repairs. You might think that this is the most affordable way to go, but it’s not.

Why? When you pay by the hour, these companies make more money when your technology continues to break. And because they charge by the hour, they have no incentive to fix things quickly or to do anything proactive or preventative.

These typical IT consultants and break-it fix-it IT services are reactive. This means your information technology isn’t monitored for reliability and security or for ongoing compliance. This sets you up for downtime. And, just a few days of downtime can cost you in efficiency, productivity, and public perception.

Not only are you paying for hourly service that you can’t control, but you’re also losing time and money from IT interruptions and downtime. As a result, many organizations and businesses end up losing and spending large amounts in just a few months for an IT consultant or break-it fix-it services. Time and money that would have been much better spent retaining an MSP and you would be much father ahead.

Costs Are Predictable

When you retain a Managed Service Provider (MSP), you can easily budget for IT services because your costs are predictable. You pay a monthly fee for the services and support you receive.

When you enter into a managed services contract, the IT company assumes the risk and liability associated with your IT infrastructure. And, your MSP will customize your services based on your specific organization or business needs.

Your IT Is Monitored 24/7 For Reliability

When you retain the services of a MSP, the focus shifts to a proactive approach and prevention. They’ll remotely monitor the health of your IT system on a 24/7 basis, insuring you are current, secure, and helping you be more compliant. This prevents downtime and security issues. Plus, they can detect and fix many issues before you even notice there’s a problem.

When retaining monthly IT service:

  • Your system is monitored proactively for irregularities or intrusions.
  • Your IT professional is familiar with your system. If there is a problem, they can usually get you back up and running quickly.
  • You’ll have a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that includes all the services needed to keep your technology running at peak performance.
  • Your IT will run as it should and your staff will remain productive and efficient. They won’t have to worry about IT problems and can focus on their work… a big morale booster!

You’ll Benefit From A Layered Security Solution

Are you 100% confident in your network security, data protection, and cybersecurity solutions? You will be when you retain an MSP for Managed IT or Co-Manage IT services. You’ll have a Layered Security Solution with:

  • Network and Perimeter Security
  • Data Protection
  • Email and Web Security
  • Wireless Network Security
  • Employee Security Awareness Training
  • Simulate Phishing Tests
  • Dark Web Scans and Monitoring

When you retain Managed IT Services, your organization will benefit from all these services and much, much more. Your staff can store and access information securely and perform their day-to-day responsibilities without worrying about whether private data will fall into the hands of bad actors and criminals.

HIPAA Security And Compliance Requires A Focus On It

A typical IT consultant or break-it fix-it IT company usually do not have the experience, time, or resources needed to be HIPAA experts or focused. If your organization or business is bound by HIPAA, then the MSP must have a focus on it in order to be a trusted partner capable of protecting you when it comes to HIPAA security and compliance. They should have internally implemented a comprehensive, ongoing company-wide HIPAA compliance program that includes things like comprehensive HIPAA policies and procedures, performing a HIPAA Security Risk Assessment/Risk Management with a professional third party expert firm, as well as perform ongoing HIPAA and security awareness training for all of their employees.

Their commitment should be to ensure your organization or business is secure, compliant, and your employees are trained to understand the important role they play in the process. A truly comprehensive Managed IT and Co-Managed IT service includes assurance you are addressing the safeguards defined by HIPAA.

You Can Retain Cloud Computing Solutions That Save Money

Cloud technologies have simplified and even brought down the costs of doing business when it comes to information technology. And cloud solutions provide the technology that was once only available to large corporations.

You can retain multiple services unique to your organization or business without complex IT systems, an endless array of servers, and the technicians needed to fix them when they break down.

And you can lower your IT infrastructure expenses. By retaining IT services, you reduce the need for onsite solutions by using your MSP’s datacenter and their private cloud solution. Not only can you save on hardware, but also the energy, space, and additional equipment it uses.

You’ll Have Responsive Help-Desk Services

When you do need reactive services, a knowledgeable, friendly, and experienced Help Desk is a must. Also, availability and fast response should be a high priority. Bad actors and hackers don’t care if you’re only at work during the day. When you retain IT Managed Services on a monthly basis, you’ll have the fast and effective IT service from experienced professionals who know your system and understand your specific needs and processes.

Contact us today to discuss IT services and support for your DD organization.