Non-profit hospitals, community healthcare clinics, and public health organizations turn to VC3 for specialized IT and HIPAA-compliant cybersecurity.
IT That Enables Patient Care and Ensures HIPAA Compliance
Healthcare organizations never really shut down. Hospital patient care, home healthcare, and elderly care happen 24/7. Non-profit clinics, mental health organizations, and developmental disabilities organizations are constantly engaging in the field with people who need critical help. Public health organizations are relentlessly staying on top of crises, potential crises, and important initiatives.
Technology is part of your lifeblood and backbone. You can’t survive without it. Yet, you know the nightmare of computers and mobile devices being down. The risk of not complying with HIPAA. The inability to access mission critical applications. Old infrastructure unable to meet the needs of modern applications. And all of this directly affects patients and the public in critical, and sometimes life or death, ways.
Whether we’re supplementing your in-house IT team or serving as your managed service provider, VC3 helps healthcare organizations:
- Stabilize and modernize their technology infrastructure
- Ensure compliance with HIPAA
- Leverage reliable 24/7/365 support
We also understand the importance of maximizing your IT investments—especially when you fight hard for those dollars. By focusing on your priorities and aligning with critical best practices, we can develop a “just right” IT plan and roadmap for your organization. From there, we will work hard to keep you safe, secure, and efficient while focusing on your specific IT and cybersecurity priorities.
VC3 has over 30 years of experience helping healthcare organizations
Developmental Disabilities
IT and cybersecurity for agencies, independent providers, and county boards for the developmentally disabled.
Home Healthcare
We help make your IT more scalable, collaborative for remote teams, and efficient—while ensuring secure, compliant patient data storage.
Elderly Care
We help you use technology to eliminate downtime and disruption to better serve your patients and residents.
Mental Health Organizations
Protect sensitive patient information, maintain compliance, and improve service delivery through higher operational efficiency.
Nonprofit Clinics
Go from reactive to proactive IT support while keeping patient data safe and compliant—all while staying within budget.
Non-Profit Hospitals
Optimize IT infrastructure, improve the efficiency of hospital operations, and stay compliant—all through cost-effective, predictable IT support.
We no longer experience outages.
If we do have any questions or concerns, they are always open, and our staff can reach out to one of their dedicated technicians. They work with our folks until the issue is resolved.
We really needed to get an IT partner.
We have such a great working relationship and we’re always talking about the next thing. Chris and VC3 are my trusted advisors.
We’re a non-profit community-based mental health center.
Every dollar that we save on information technology is another dollar that's available for the services we provide to the community.
Our Staff is More Productive.
They’ve not only helped me, but have made our staff more productive. Our turn-around time to have issues resolved has greatly improved.
VC3 has spent the last 30 years making IT personal, making IT easy, and getting IT right
Managed Services
Get 24/7 support, ensure best practices, and increase operational efficiency.
Technology Enablement
Tackle projects related to records management, data analytics, and healthcare applications.
Comprehensive IT Services
Some of the ways we help healthcare organizations include:
- Interpreting technical aspects of HIPAA
- Creating security policies and procedures
- Maximizing cybersecurity with layered defenses
- Managing mobile devices and equipment endpoints
- Building a solid, scalable infrastructure
- Designing cost effective data storage solutions
- Managing implementation and support for EMR
- Automating data collection to monitor costs
- Designing systems to optimize internet connectivity
- IT presentations to executive boards
2200+ organizations turn to VC3 to help them contend with today’s complex technology landscape.
Response Time + Onsite Support
From a Team of 100% North American-Based Experts
Less IT Incidents After 3 Months
Our approach to technology enables your organization to AIM Higher.
Lots of companies can set up your laptops or manage your infrastructure. In order to contend with today's challenges, you need more than a break-fix vendor with a "24/7" helpdesk ticket to nowhere. You need a proactive partner that stops the issues before they start. That's where VC3 comes in.
Let's talk about how VC3 can help you AIM higher.
Resources + Insights for Healthcare Organizations

Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation Reshapes IT with VC3

Managed IT Services Cost & Pricing Guide