Can you do business without a computer? What if you can’t even make a phone call? How much money would your company lose from just one hour of downtime? Think about the costs of IT downtime and then ask yourself this:
Who's got your back when it comes to IT support?
With most consultants and employees, value is measured by what they offer when they are there. But when it comes to IT support, it’s equally as important to consider how long you can afford your technical support team not being there. When you choose a professional to handle your information technology needs – whether it’s an outsourced IT support team or a full-time IT staffer – it’s extremely important that you take their ability to respond to emergencies into heavy consideration.
For example, with a salaried IT tech, it’s important to remember that “full time” often simply means 9 to 5, five days a week (plus vacations and sick days). This makes the promise of 24-hour IT support offered by an outsourced IT firm highly attractive – but you still need to dig deeper. Many IT firms promise round-the-clock support, but in many cases the help desk is outsourced to overseas technicians who have never set foot in your office. Worse, IT support may be handled by the owner themselves who may be across the state with another client when you call. Make sure your IT support team has a dedicated staff of help desk technicians who can respond immediately and personally.
At VC3, there is never an empty chair at our help desk and you’ll never find yourself talking to someone in a different time zone. Our IT support team is always here for you, ready to resolve your issue within minutes over the phone. Or, we can be there for you, at your office within short notice to help get your IT system back online and keep your employees productive.
Fill out the form below and ask about our uncompromising IT support. San Bernardino-based IT experts are here for you – always.